"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Like father, Like son. Happy Father's Day Weekend!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Papa was a rolling stone.....
Milestone alert!- Isaac rolled over for the very first time today!
He's 13 weeks this week.. and he's just growing way too fast. Everyday he is changing. He's talking more, he's more physical and a lot more playful. On the weekdays, Isaac usually naps in the morning for awhile and then we head over to grandpa and grandma's house. He LOVES going over to their house because of all the attention he gets. He especially loves talking to his Di Phuong (my cousin).
A few weeks ago, Tony asked me why Phuong was able to get Isaac so excited and talkative.. And I told him it was probably because of her high pitched Vietnamese and that she is really animated when she speaks with him... So the next morning, I found my husband grinning from ear to ear and talking to Isaac in a very high tone.. It was pretty funny! But it works!

I'm very grateful that I'm able to take off work until sometime in August. Tony will be off school beginning August 16th and he starts back up at the end of September. He will be taking care of Isaac during his break!
Another milestone-Tony is finishing up his first year of dental school! His finals are next week. Yay! 3 more years left. He will be heading to California to hang out with his friends and family. A well deserved break. Isaac and I won't be able to go unfortunately. Isaac and California traffic don't mix very well.
He's 13 weeks this week.. and he's just growing way too fast. Everyday he is changing. He's talking more, he's more physical and a lot more playful. On the weekdays, Isaac usually naps in the morning for awhile and then we head over to grandpa and grandma's house. He LOVES going over to their house because of all the attention he gets. He especially loves talking to his Di Phuong (my cousin).
A few weeks ago, Tony asked me why Phuong was able to get Isaac so excited and talkative.. And I told him it was probably because of her high pitched Vietnamese and that she is really animated when she speaks with him... So the next morning, I found my husband grinning from ear to ear and talking to Isaac in a very high tone.. It was pretty funny! But it works!
Another milestone-Tony is finishing up his first year of dental school! His finals are next week. Yay! 3 more years left. He will be heading to California to hang out with his friends and family. A well deserved break. Isaac and I won't be able to go unfortunately. Isaac and California traffic don't mix very well.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
10 weeks old.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!.. Isaac is 2 months old
Isaac is now 2 months old. Before having Isaac, a co-worker once told me to enjoy every moment because because babies grow up so quickly. He is right! I look at pictures of Isaac that were taken only a week ago and I cannot believe how quickly he's changing. He has rolls on his legs now!
Mother's day weekend was very special. Tony took me out to see Cirque Du Soleil's Kooza on Saturday. It was an amazing show. He also cooked breakfast for the family. He's an outstanding husband and father. I'm so proud of him. I know his own mother would be very proud of him too.
The above picture was taken today.. Grandpa and Grandma decided to prop him on the couch and they thought it was the funniest thing because Isaac looked so grown up. =) Grandpa actually told me that back in the day in Vietnam.. when women would not have enough milk- the moms would let their babies suck on their noses - in order to pacify their babies. Pretty funny. I'm sure the noses tasted salty b/c it is super hot in Vietnam. Maybe that's why Vietnamese people like everything salty.. like dried salty prunes and salt on pineapples?
Isaac has been smiling a lot more and conversing with us. He is sleeping a lot better these days. We make sure to take walks and visit Grandpa and Grandma everyday. In the evening time, we give him a warm bath and read the beginner's Bible to him (thanks Co Laurie!).
Below is a video clip of Isaac on the morning of May 6th. =) (please excuse my high pitched voice)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Isaac's first two weeks.
Isaac's personality is coming out more and more as days go by. He is very talkative. Loves to grunt when he stretches, eats, sleeps.. We also found out that he has a dimple (from Tony).
Both Tony and I are just so in love with him. Parenthood is a lot of work! Sleep deprivation is brutal! But we are thankful and feel so blessed to have Isaac in our lives.
Both Tony and I are just so in love with him. Parenthood is a lot of work! Sleep deprivation is brutal! But we are thankful and feel so blessed to have Isaac in our lives.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Introducing Isaac Viet Nguyen
Isaac Viet Nguyen was born on March 13, 2010 at 3:05AM. He weighed in at 6.03 lbs and he's 19.5 inches long.
He was born in Portland, Oregon at the Andaluz Water Birth Center.
The birth was an incredible and amazing experience. It started with a requested ultrasound. I decided to schedule an ultrasound on Friday, 3/12, in the morning. The main purpose was to make sure Isaac was in a good position for birthing and to also double check that he was a boy. The ultrasound tech told us that everything looked great with Isaac and confirmed that he was indeed a boy.. But my amniotic fluid seemed pretty low for what it should be.
After speaking with my midwife, she advised-with a sense of urgency- to get another ultrasound at Legacy Emanuel, same day and in the afternoon. The results were the same- low amniotic fluid and a doctor came in to advise that we should be induced either that day or Saturday as it looked like the placenta was losing steam.
After talking with our midwife, her advice was to go ahead and get induced at the hospital. But which one should we go to? It was late in the afternoon on Friday and my midwife was calling the hospitals in Portland. Legacy Emanuel was willing to take us in but the out of pocket costs would be double of what I would have to pay for at a Providence Hospital. And when my midwife called my previous doctor at Providence, the doctor declined to take me because I transfered care over to Andaluz Birth Center a few months ago. My midwife then called over to Providence St. Vincents to see if they would take me- they did not seem very interested to take me either. Personally- I didn't want to go back to Providence..
So after an hour of contemplating where I should go to get induced, my midwife called back and suggested that we come into the birth center to get a cervical check and possibly see if they could induce my labor naturally. Tony and I went to the birth center at 7PM that night and I was already at 5 cms. We all were stunned because I have not felt any contractions at all to get to this point. The midwife then sent us home and advised us that we would probably start laboring that night or tomorrow morning.
We both went home and watched a Blazer game and nothing was happening so we went to bed. Around 1AM, I woke up and had a pretty good contraction.. Went back to sleep and a few minutes pass by and then another contraction hits. After 10 minutes.. I was thinking to myself-this is really abnormal.. because the contractions should be 5-7 minutes apart.. it feels like they are 2 minutes in between. After 1/2 hour, we called the midwife and she told us to go to the birth center. Still thinking there was time to do things, Tony was making coffee, a protein shake for me and bagels.. I was brushing my teeth.. And all the sudden, my water broke.
We head to the birthing center. On the way there, the contractions were right on top of another and I could feel the pressure of Isaac's head.. Tony was very calm.. I'm not really sure he sensed how fast the baby was coming because he was going the speed limit. A few minutes before we got to the center, I told him.. if we did not get to the center soon, we were going to have the baby in the car.
At 2.30AM, we arrive at the birthing center and I saw my midwife in the front room.. I just waved at her and ran to the bathroom.. the pressure was so intense.. All I wanted to do was sit on a toilet and stay there.. even though nothing was coming out. My midwife gently asked me.. Do you want to go in the tub? She guided me into the warm and relaxing bathtub. Within 15-20 minutes, Isaac was born.
Thanks to all who have kept us in prayer. This is truly a blessing from the Lord!

He was born in Portland, Oregon at the Andaluz Water Birth Center.
The birth was an incredible and amazing experience. It started with a requested ultrasound. I decided to schedule an ultrasound on Friday, 3/12, in the morning. The main purpose was to make sure Isaac was in a good position for birthing and to also double check that he was a boy. The ultrasound tech told us that everything looked great with Isaac and confirmed that he was indeed a boy.. But my amniotic fluid seemed pretty low for what it should be.
After speaking with my midwife, she advised-with a sense of urgency- to get another ultrasound at Legacy Emanuel, same day and in the afternoon. The results were the same- low amniotic fluid and a doctor came in to advise that we should be induced either that day or Saturday as it looked like the placenta was losing steam.
After talking with our midwife, her advice was to go ahead and get induced at the hospital. But which one should we go to? It was late in the afternoon on Friday and my midwife was calling the hospitals in Portland. Legacy Emanuel was willing to take us in but the out of pocket costs would be double of what I would have to pay for at a Providence Hospital. And when my midwife called my previous doctor at Providence, the doctor declined to take me because I transfered care over to Andaluz Birth Center a few months ago. My midwife then called over to Providence St. Vincents to see if they would take me- they did not seem very interested to take me either. Personally- I didn't want to go back to Providence..
So after an hour of contemplating where I should go to get induced, my midwife called back and suggested that we come into the birth center to get a cervical check and possibly see if they could induce my labor naturally. Tony and I went to the birth center at 7PM that night and I was already at 5 cms. We all were stunned because I have not felt any contractions at all to get to this point. The midwife then sent us home and advised us that we would probably start laboring that night or tomorrow morning.
We both went home and watched a Blazer game and nothing was happening so we went to bed. Around 1AM, I woke up and had a pretty good contraction.. Went back to sleep and a few minutes pass by and then another contraction hits. After 10 minutes.. I was thinking to myself-this is really abnormal.. because the contractions should be 5-7 minutes apart.. it feels like they are 2 minutes in between. After 1/2 hour, we called the midwife and she told us to go to the birth center. Still thinking there was time to do things, Tony was making coffee, a protein shake for me and bagels.. I was brushing my teeth.. And all the sudden, my water broke.
We head to the birthing center. On the way there, the contractions were right on top of another and I could feel the pressure of Isaac's head.. Tony was very calm.. I'm not really sure he sensed how fast the baby was coming because he was going the speed limit. A few minutes before we got to the center, I told him.. if we did not get to the center soon, we were going to have the baby in the car.
At 2.30AM, we arrive at the birthing center and I saw my midwife in the front room.. I just waved at her and ran to the bathroom.. the pressure was so intense.. All I wanted to do was sit on a toilet and stay there.. even though nothing was coming out. My midwife gently asked me.. Do you want to go in the tub? She guided me into the warm and relaxing bathtub. Within 15-20 minutes, Isaac was born.
Thanks to all who have kept us in prayer. This is truly a blessing from the Lord!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
~4-5 weeks left
I have to pinch myself.. Is it really 4-5 weeks away? Maybe even less?? I was told that you can have a “full term baby” at 35-40 weeks.. I just passed my 35 weeks this Monday. Although I’ve gained around 30-35 lbs- I still feel great! The only time when I feel the belly get in my way is when I’m trying to get out of bed/off the couch or when I have to bend down to tie my shoes.
Baby Nguyen is moving around a lot. He’s very active in the morning and evening time.. and anytime I’m eating anything- Especially chocolate or toffee. =)
I’m definitely getting more tired as the weeks roll by.. My emotions and feelings have been all over the place! I’m anxious, excited, happy, tired, nervous.. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the thought of actually being a parent. But a few weeks ago.. My pastor went over John 14 and this verse gave me so much comfort:
27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
Simple.. and true.
Since the last entry- Tony and I decided to switch care from our doctor to a midwife at a birthing center. We just felt an indescribable peace about our new midwife and the birthing center. Our midwife is a Christian and we are excited to have her be a part of the birthing. Her name is Adele and she has had over 30 years of experience in midwifery. Here’s a link to the birthing center- Doesn’t it look like a bed and breakfast? http://www.waterbirth.net/
Thanks for continuing to pray for us! We can’t wait to meet Baby Nguyen!!
Baby Nguyen is moving around a lot. He’s very active in the morning and evening time.. and anytime I’m eating anything- Especially chocolate or toffee. =)
I’m definitely getting more tired as the weeks roll by.. My emotions and feelings have been all over the place! I’m anxious, excited, happy, tired, nervous.. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the thought of actually being a parent. But a few weeks ago.. My pastor went over John 14 and this verse gave me so much comfort:
27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
Simple.. and true.
Since the last entry- Tony and I decided to switch care from our doctor to a midwife at a birthing center. We just felt an indescribable peace about our new midwife and the birthing center. Our midwife is a Christian and we are excited to have her be a part of the birthing. Her name is Adele and she has had over 30 years of experience in midwifery. Here’s a link to the birthing center- Doesn’t it look like a bed and breakfast? http://www.waterbirth.net/
Thanks for continuing to pray for us! We can’t wait to meet Baby Nguyen!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
look mom! i can sew!
I got some really cool Christmas gifts in '09. One of them being a sewing machine from Visa (Van & Lisa).. I was really floored when I received it. It was such a surprise. I signed up for a sewing class at Joann's and went to it for the first time last night... look at what I made! (with the guidance of my instructor of course).. It's a sleeper for baby Nguyen!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Nursery Room- Mission Completed!
This room used to be our "office".. it had tons of books, paperwork, computer, two desks, mounted shelving.. lots of Tony's shoes. Tony also re-painted our guest bedroom and converted it into an office/guest bedroom. Tony worked really hard on this nursery room/guest room throughout his entire break!! The guy was busy!!! And he truly is da best! =)
Just looking at the nursery room.. makes having a baby feel even more real.
We're also thankful for a lot of our friends who generously gave all sorts of baby things! From carseats/strollers to crib.. I even had a stranger come up to me at church and ask if I needed a swing! I had to tell him.. no because I actually have 4 swings/bouncing chair things that friends have given to us already! I love how the Lord always provides.. And provides awesome/loving friends. It has truly been the hugest blessing!

Just looking at the nursery room.. makes having a baby feel even more real.
We're also thankful for a lot of our friends who generously gave all sorts of baby things! From carseats/strollers to crib.. I even had a stranger come up to me at church and ask if I needed a swing! I had to tell him.. no because I actually have 4 swings/bouncing chair things that friends have given to us already! I love how the Lord always provides.. And provides awesome/loving friends. It has truly been the hugest blessing!
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