Isaac is now 2 months old. Before having Isaac, a co-worker once told me to enjoy every moment because because babies grow up so quickly. He is right! I look at pictures of Isaac that were taken only a week ago and I cannot believe how quickly he's changing. He has rolls on his legs now!
Mother's day weekend was very special. Tony took me out to see Cirque Du Soleil's Kooza on Saturday. It was an amazing show. He also cooked breakfast for the family. He's an outstanding husband and father. I'm so proud of him. I know his own mother would be very proud of him too.
The above picture was taken today.. Grandpa and Grandma decided to prop him on the couch and they thought it was the funniest thing because Isaac looked so grown up. =) Grandpa actually told me that back in the day in Vietnam.. when women would not have enough milk- the moms would let their babies suck on their noses - in order to pacify their babies. Pretty funny. I'm sure the noses tasted salty b/c it is super hot in Vietnam. Maybe that's why Vietnamese people like everything salty.. like dried salty prunes and salt on pineapples?
Isaac has been smiling a lot more and conversing with us. He is sleeping a lot better these days. We make sure to take walks and visit Grandpa and Grandma everyday. In the evening time, we give him a warm bath and read the beginner's Bible to him (thanks Co Laurie!).
Below is a video clip of Isaac on the morning of May 6th. =) (please excuse my high pitched voice)
He's perfect Andrea. He's growing up too fast. I love the video!!