He was born on 1/29/12 around 10.30AM at the SW Medical Hospital. I will do a blog post about the birth story later as it was kind of crazy! Not the waterbirth I had wanted.. But it was without meds/IV.

Tony was a little late to the ultrasound appointment because of school commitments, so the ultrasound tech just started to view the baby without him. Everything was looking great. Heart beat perfect. Relief was setting in. Just a few minutes into the ultrasound visit- Tony made it and the tech was able to tell us that we were going to have another boy. We were over the moon. Isaac would have a little brother to play with.
A few more minutes went by and Tony asked a question that would replay in my mind over and over for the next weeks after the ultrasound. He asked the tech if we could see a cleft at this stage. Tony was just starting to learn about clefts in dental school and was just curious about the tech's response. We do not have any history of clefts in our family.

That evening, I could not sleep and I woke up in the middle of the night to google "cleft ultrasounds". The very next day, the midwife called to confirm Evan had a cleft and I would need to come in immediately to confirm the cleft through a 3D ultrasound. Thus began our unforseen journey into the cleft world.
I have to admit.. I was truly saddened for my little guy. For us.. How would Evan nurse? What kind of surgeries would be involved? Really... what were the chances of this happening (I found out 1/600 for Asians and 1/1000 for the rest)? Lots of things were going through my mind. I was beating myself up for not taking my multi vitamins regularly.. I truly felt that I had done something wrong and my beautiful child was going to suffer because of my mistake. I felt horrible.
But the feelings of sadness only lasted a few days. I started feeling feelings of hope and reminded that the Lord had created Evan perfectly perfect.. My close friend, Au, reminded me of an elegant bible scripture that would be placed on my heart throughout my pregnancy and give me that perfect peace from above. Psalm 139:14 - Evan was fearfully and wonderfuly made.
There was a bigger picture as to why Evan was born with a cleft. Evan, whose name means "young warrior", was created to bring our family members closer together. To help us to be more compassionate towards others who hurt. To unconditionally love on strangers and show them Christ's unconditional love.
I also clung to my life verse:
"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11.
Evan has truly been the perfect baby. He has a lovable cry and demeanor. Loves to smile and is a delight to talk to. I take both of my sons everywhere and am so proud of them both. Isaac has been the BEST big brother. Even from the beginning. Evan was only a few weeks old and he was crying because of a dirty diaper. I tried to wash Evan in the sink while he was hysterically crying and Isaac came running to the rescue.. holding his baby brother's bottle and saying, "Evan (it's) ok! Evan (it's) ok!. That had to be one of my proudest moments as a mom..
And Evan.. words cannot express how PROUD I'am of him.. all the things he will have to go through.. the crazy NAM (I'll explain in another blog post)... surgeries.. speech therapy.. Knowing that he'll have to work harder to eat and speak.. I'm so proud of him..
Evan at 12 weeks
Isaac loving on his best friend, Evan.
Enjoying a sunny day in Portland. Vietnamese Sniff Kiss!
Just got home from the hospital. Isaac showing his love for his best friend =)
Isaac's 2nd birthday on 3/13 and learning to blow out a candle!
Wow what an amazing post. This post made me cry!! What amazing parents you guys are!! Issac and Evan are so lucky to have you as parents and God has placed them both in your life for a the most perfect reasons!! Thank you for sharing.